Removing tartar - this is how you do it!

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If you regularly go to the dentist, you are familiar with this treatment. They use all possible grinders, drills and brackets to remove the dirt from your teeth. Tartar is a real obstacle to oral health, but also to those beautiful white, sparkling teeth. That is why it is important to remove tartar yourself and visit the dental hygienist regularly.

What is tartar and why is it a problem?

Tartar, also known as plaque, is a stubborn buildup of bacteria and minerals that accumulate on your teeth. And not only that, because it also crawls around the gum line. Tartar forms when plaque is not removed in a timely manner during brushing and flossing. It leads to tooth decay, gum disease and eventually even tooth loss. So get started quickly and make your teeth healthier and whiter!

This is how you can remove tartar

  1. Go to the dentist regularly. The dentist, or prevention assistant, cleans your teeth professionally and thoroughly. They have the right instruments for it, so they can remove your tartar in the blink of an eye.
  2. Use the right products . There are many specialty toothpastes and mouthwashes, so choose a good product. They help prevent tartar build-up and remove any residue that is still there.
  3. Good oral hygiene . Optimal oral hygiene is the most important thing. Prevent tartar by brushing thoroughly, twice a day, with a fluoride toothpaste. This way you are the boss in removing tartar, or actually: removing plaque before it becomes tartar.
  4. Use teeth whitening strips . When your teeth are sparkling clean, you can smile broadly again. But what could be even more fun? That's right, a beautiful white smile! Use our strips for an effective whitening treatment, at home or on the go.

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