The impact of sugar on your teeth

De impact van suiker op je gebit

Sugar plays a major role in our Western society. Almost everyone knows that sugar is bad for you and that it poses health risks. But did you know that it is also super bad for your teeth? Let's take a look at what sugar does to your teeth. Are you ready for it?

How sugar causes tooth decay

When you eat or drink sugar, it comes into contact with the bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria, especially the Streptococcus mutans, lives on sugar. When this little creature is fed, it produces acids as a byproduct. These acids attack teeth and molars, causing the hard outer surface of your teeth to break down. This process is called demineralization. It leads to cavities if you don't do anything about it.

What does plaque have to do with it?

Plaque - also called dental plaque - is the sticky layer of bacteria that always forms on your teeth. When you consume sugar, this layer is activated to produce the acids that cause cavities. If you do not keep this clean and have it treated, you will suffer from pain and that will go from bad to worse.

Consequences of too much sugar

  1. Cavities - this is what is most common. The more often and for longer your teeth are given sugar, the more tooth decay you will experience.
  2. Gum disease – sugar also contributes to inflammation of your gums. If you want to prevent gingivitis, you have to do your best, because you don't want it to escalate into periodontal disease. Then you lose your teeth.
  3. Discolored teeth - sugary drinks and foods also cause your teeth to become yellower and/or browner. This damages the enamel, making teeth more sensitive to stains.

How do you prevent sugar from destroying your teeth?

  • Limit sugar intake - make sure you don't drink soft drinks or have sugary snacks. Try fruit and nuts and nice water and/or tea.
  • Oral hygiene - brush your teeth twice a day with good toothpaste, making sure to properly remove all food particles and plaque.
  • Drink water - drink plenty of water and rinse with water to rinse away the sugars and acids. This is not enough, but every little bit helps.
  • Go to the dentist! - Visit your dentist twice a year for check-ups and professional cleaning. This allows you to detect problems in time and prevent pain complaints.
  • Use teeth whitening - do you want a radiant white smile? Then use one of our whitening products . This way you keep your mouth very clean and also nice and fresh and shiny.

The impact of sugar on your teeth is therefore quite intense. Prevent serious dental problems and use sugar consciously. Prevention and paying attention to yourself is the key to a healthy, beautiful smile. Good luck!
